Thursday, December 4, 2008


With fainting gasp her worries rise
sharing woe with marbled skies.
She too frets deeds undone
but even suns are only one.
Close your eyes and rest shall come
to all who heed a setting sun.


Jo A. T.B. said...

Hi Dan,

A beautiful sunset photo, and words to accompany! How was hunting!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this brought me an instant feeling of peacefullness to me. I really needed this today. It is a blessing. Thanks so much for creating and sharing! Blessings to you and yours. . . CordieB.

Jo Janoski said...

Very nice!

Dan said...

Hey Jo, my pictures never seem to deliver the true beauty of the scene. I'm certain this can in no way be tied to my 'amatuer status'.

No deer, but a plethora of cold(wind chill was 6 in the am and warmed up to a balmy 15 by afternoon).

Thanks for stopping by, Cordie. Sunsets are peaceful, if we allow them to be.

Jo J, it's cold here, but only a skiff of snow. If it's all the same you can keep the white stuff.