Tuesday, August 19, 2008



Jo Janoski said...

I don't blame ya! Those media types deserve all you gave 'em. Hahahahahaha.

rch said...

wow I thought I could be touchy, lmao!!

Dan said...

They deserved it, Jo, but the judge didn't see it that way....cost me a couple of days in the pokey and some community service.

Bob, I'm not sure I would describe myself as touchy.....touched is probably more appropriate.

paisley said...

oh this was clever.. and what clarity of insight!!!!LOL!!!!!

Dan said...

Jodi, I'm not sure clever is in order. I was having a particularly frustrating day and just looking for a creative way to express it.

Anonymous said...

This is a riot. Reminds me of the time I typed up a reporter's obit and pasted it on the page and then asked him to proof the page for me. Very clever, Dan.

Dan said...

Don't leave us in suspense, Shirley. What was the editor's response??

Jo A. T.B. said...

Hi Dan,

This brought a smile, and I hope it's not contagious!

Dan said...

Jo, a smile is never a bad thing. I don't believe the condition is contagious, but do consider the possibility of being inherited. My father has suffered chronically for years.